Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Intrinsic Commitment vs. Extrinsic

As I look at my family work board I  find myself wondering - why aren't things like,  "take child to basketball practice" on there?  Are the things that are on this board extrinsic or intrinsic? 

Lets look at this basketball thing.  At some time we in our past we committed to it. What does that mean?
  • We committed funds
  • We involved other people (the team) in the commitment
  • We didn't set the times ( set for us) 
  • but we know its good for our children, and we're committed deeply to their well being. 
  • Its fun when kids play sports
I'm drawn to that last two.  We can do the first two, but at the end of the day its the heart that matters.  We really want  to do something. we probably don't even need a board for it.

So what's on this board, at least in part, are extraneous things, things that life could probably go on without.  We won't put dinner on there, because we're intrisically motivated to do that thing. The things on the board are elective time items then?  If so, does this make them less important? 

I think not.  I would position it to say that this board is the things we want to do but have force ourselves to set the time for. They make our commitment public, they make it clear.  It forms an information raditor.  And for me I play the game that I "cannot finish this week without clearing that item out."

One piece of leadership literature said, " eat  the big frogs first."  So the things you don't really want to do ," call the bank.."  that's the stuff that goes on there. But Bri already has some art things on there.  So she needs to be held to that commitment by someone else.  Its her own priority rather than one dictated to her by parents or curriculum.

Topgun hasn't gotten in there yet, nor has Julie.  I'll have to push it a bit.  :)


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